Thursday, November 17, 2011

Life's Possibilities

I wanted to start writing again. I'm not sure if writing was therapeutic for me, but for a while it felt really good to get everything down in writing. All of my thoughts and feelings and what not are so much easier to process once I write them down. And I am not ashamed of what I am feeling. I was to share that feeling with others, even you may not always understand everything that is running through my head.

Tonight I got to go attend a CD release party of a very dear friend of mine, Megan Mulcahy, also known as Megan Levering.

Yep, that's Megan. :) She is one of the sweetest, most friendly and Godly young ladies that I have ever met in my entire life. Her talent and humility amaze me and I just love being around her.

I started thinking on my drive home how life works in such funny ways. Two years ago, I had a teaching job just out of college. I thought, 'I've got a teaching degree, so I need to teach.' I was terrified of a being in a classroom and when I finally got a job, it showed. The kids didn't respect me, I barely got any support from the administrators and teachers in my school, and I was downright miserable. I missed college and my friends and my old church.

When my contract was not renewed for the following year, I came home bitter and angry and wounded. How was I supposed to be a teacher if I had no job? What made me think I could even do this in the first place? How am I going to pick myself back up from this?

Fast forward a few months, and I now have a new job that is not a teaching job, but I am much happier than I have ever been. I have moved back home with my dad and I am going to church with him. I knew from my previous experience that I still wanted to work with kids and that I wanted to get plugged in and serve at church. I got involved with our student ministry and I have been active with them for the past year and a half now.

I can not express to you how much I love and adore each of the young ladies and gentlemen in our youth group. They are each amazing and precious and have such an awesome impact on my life. I will be talking more about each of them in the future, I am sure.

What amazes me is that if I had never lost my job and moved back home and started going to church with my dad, I never would have developed the relationships I have with any of them. I wouldn't get hugs on Sunday mornings or get to check in with them to see how their weeks have been going. We would have passed each other in the halls, maybe commented on how grown up they look now a days, but that would have been it.

God has his mighty hand in my life all the time and I love to look back to see how he has truly planned out my life for the better. For every single event in my life, good or bad, God has planned something amazing and glorifying to come out of it.

I love knowing that there are all these possibilities in my life that are waiting to happen- God's timinig is perfect!!

Keep tuned in- I have a feeling that there are some BIG life changes in store!!
